
Showing posts from February, 2018

No Real Church Yet

This is going to hurt a lot of church people. But it's not intended that way. I just want to make people see that we are too far from hitting God's goal for the church. As thus, there's no "church" yet, in the real sense of the term, the way God presents church in the bible. [Image above from  123RF]. What we have for years now (no, for centuries now) are mere ministry organizations or corporations. Church denominations at best. Denominations are certain bible-wielding groups of people who decided to bind themselves together because they do not believe everything in the bible. They believe only portions, and they decided to take these portions and make a doctrine out of them. Those who join them agree with the doctrine they created and make up the organization. That's not a church. It's a religious organization. Church is God's family that wholeheartedly believes everything in the bible. They do not choose what to believe and then form a separate doctr...

Why Jesus Made the Blind Man Grope

Image from  disorientedtheology on Wordpress. You grope your way to the light. That’s Kingdom principle. It may seem difficult but you get Jesus’ special touch. That’s worth more than all the general blessings God gives to both the good and evil worldwide combined.  But it’s no ordinary touch, mind you. It's a touch that will make you kinda different. Jesus was in the vicinity of the Mount of Olives when he passed by a blind man. He said this man was blind from birth because his disability was reserved for God’s glory. It had been planned. It had a special design. Now, that makes us grope in the dark, doesn’t it? Being blind from birth was for God’s glory? Can you imagine how it is to be unseeing that long, from birth to being a man, seeing nothing every day for years and decades but total black? It’s easily read than fully comprehended. Often we just read past passages like this and take them for granted. We never stop to empathize. Often, the Holy Spirit teaches you and re...

The Church is Lost

Image from Google Play. When I watch what churches around me and those online are doing, I can't help but say that the church is lost. I'm not being self-righteous. I'm just comparing the modern church with the Acts church and the things that Jesus did. Yup, the modern church is doing a lot of good things, as Martha chose what was good. But they can't bring themselves to choose what is better. Mary chose what was better and she wasn't doing much. He simply sat at Jesus' feet relishing his words. Only a few good works are really important to God. A lot of good works church is doing today are just like the shelters that Peter wanted to build when Jesus was transfigured before them. When he saw God at work powerfully (transfiguration) his first tendency was to do something for God. That's the church's tendency. But God told him to just listen to Jesus, the Son in whom He was well pleased. We need to stop everything we're doing and listen well. Drop ever...

Agreement Prayer: Praying as a Church Needs a Different Element to be Powerful

Prayer is just talking to God. This is especially so for the individual believer. And crucial to this is faith. He who comes to God must believe that he is there and rewards them who desperately seek him. But when the church comes together in prayer it's a bit different thing. Aside from faith, agreement is vital. In individual prayer, it's  necessary to spend quality time with God. You can't spend just some minutes with him. You need to be in his presence and forget about time. In fact, you need to pray without ceasing. You need to keep talking to God the whole day, even in your sleep. But not in group prayer. In group prayer, you don't need to pray long. What you need is agreement. In fact, it's unhealthy to pray long in group prayer because other people are likely to drift away mentally when waiting for their turn to pray. People's attention span is just 10 or 20 seconds. What if there were 5 people praying together, waiting for their turn, and each took 20 s...