Disorganizing Churches is Among God's Pivotal Next

You're shocked, right? God "disorganizing" churches. It shocked me, too, when I saw the first time how the modern church had become a far, far cry from how the church looked in the bible--the church Jesus said he'd build. Modern church looks more corporate than being God's family of believers. In fact, sometimes more corporate than the corporate world (worldlier than the world). It's become too organized, and worldly at that. Photo by Peter Herrmann on Unsplash . What Church is to God Organization is good as long as it's the kind God introduced in the bible--which is familial, or how God runs his family. In the Gospel, Jesus introduced Kingdom "organization," for lack of a better term. There's the discipler and his disciples, the brethren. This is the basic unit. Then it grows. All brothers and sisters. A family. A body. A household. As simple as that. "Organization" starts from there and evolves as the Holy Spirit gives it growth...