Real Church
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- Jesus Christ
When Peter declared that Jesus was "the Christ, the Son of the living God," Jesus told him such revelation came straight from the Father, not from men. And on this rock of revelation---or the rock of the revealed Christ direct from the Father---Jesus will build his church. Jesus' true church is a church of supernatural revelation of who Jesus is straight from the Father, not from men.
Peter declared: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood (by men), but by my Father in heaven." [Matt.16]
Real church, then, is about revealing Christ through revelations that come straight from the Father. We have to go back to this. Senseless (and earthly) church traditions and human theologies over the centuries have taken us far away from this plan of God---the original intentions of Jesus Christ for his church. Revelations straight from the Father have been replaced with what they call systematic theology---the use of human reason, logic, acumen and even the social sciences in explaining Scriptures, all according to their particular denominational doctrine. Nothing is supernatural anymore. And if you operate through the supernatural ways of the Holy Spirit, they'll just laugh at you.
But nothing can change Jesus' plan for his church. His original plans for it remain. His church is still all about revealing Christ through wisdom and teachings that come straight from God the Father's mouth. This means supernatural, like how the Word of God came to the prophets of old and the apostles in the New Testament. In fact, how the Word came to Jesus Christ.
For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. [Jn.12.49]
I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does. [Jn.5.19]
For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed. [Jn.5.20]
It's all supernatural, not through human institutions or systems. If everyone in church gets fresh revelations of who Jesus is everyday straight from the Father, then indeed, the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. But if human ways, systems and efforts are used, then it becomes a powerless church easily toppled or demolished by the devil. In fact, the devil enjoys attending churches run in the ways of this world. The devil is even active in them. And churches operating in worldly systems (and relying on human theology) cannot reveal who Christ really is.
Only those who get fresh revelations straight from the Father can.
But church today is merely all about programs, activities, gimmicks and fund raising schemes. Often, it's all about a physical church building structure. If something isn't done or does not happen inside this building structure, they can't call it "church." Everything has to be done and accomplished in this structural building with a cross on it, arched windows, an altar and pews. In fact, some can't call it church unless it has a fully furnished altar, pulpit, drums and electric guitars, and sound system.
So they pour all their resources into acquiring this building structure, improving it and enlarging it. They believe God confines himself into this box or resides in it. So they dare not "desecrate" it. They still have an Old Testament concept about places of worship, thinking that they can worship God only on this or that mountain, as their church ancestors taught them.
They haven't fully realized in their spirits that true worshipers of God don't mind about the place but worship him in spirit and in truth. Yes, modern churches know this fact mentally but the information never enters their spirits. They still build structures and think God lives in them. They think God can be fitted into their mega church structures. If so, then their god is small.
Jesus showed how big God is---anywhere we are, if we gather in his Name, Jesus is right in our midst. Even if we're only two or three, it doesn't matter. Jesus is there. That's true church. The only qualifier is to gather "in his name."
In His Name means in Jesus' nature. God's names in the Old Testament revealed his nature---Almighty God, God the Provider, God of Peace, God who heals, etc. The Name revealed who God is. Gathering in Jesus' Name means we each gather together in Jesus' nature. His nature is holy. His nature bears the healthy fruit of the Spirit---love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control. If we meet together in his name (nature) then he is in our midst. If we meet together in our human nature, then he's not.
Thus, no matter if we meet on Sundays in a beautiful, mega, and modern church building full-packed with people and earns big church income, it's all useless if we assume our own flawed human natures. Christ won't be around. Yes, God's omnipresence will be there (it's present everywhere, even in places of wickedness---because God is everywhere) but his awesome, actual presence won't be---the same Father's presence that Jesus enjoyed.
Real church is where believers (two or three) are gathered (regardless of where) who live the LIFE of Jesus and reveal his character daily. This can be in a mall, resort, restaurant, park, in a bus or train, at school or the office, at home, in the bedroom, cooking at the kitchen, idling by the shore, brisk walking or jogging, in a boat, while fishing, or perhaps doing the dishes. They may be studying the bible, casually discussing it, or even just plain chatting and laughing.
Real church is anywhere you are with Christ.
Present MOVE: Seeing the UNSEEN in real time.
Present MOVE: Seeing the UNSEEN in real time.
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