Sons are Exempt (But Obedient)
God's Next move is restoring sonship authority in Christ.
The law is for lawbreakers and the rebellious. It's not for the righteous. But we have to uphold the law [Rom.3.31]. Christ did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. Because Christ is in us, we should do the same, fulfill the law, not through works of the law, but by having Jesus Christ as our LIFE, letting him fulfill it in us. Because Christ is the end of the law.
Photo by Kelli McClintock on Unsplash.
We uphold the law and yet we're exempt. One day some tax collectors asked Peter if Jesus was paying the two-drachma temple tax. Jesus asked Peter,
"What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes—from their own sons or from others?”
“From others,” Peter answered. “Then sons are exempt,” Jesus told him. [Matt.17]
Sons (and daughters) are exempt. Yet, they obey. These are the marks of the true sons and daughters of God. They uphold the law and yet are exempt. Jesus obeyed the Father but he sometimes had to "break" the Sabbath law. It was also against the law to touch the sick and unclean, yet Jesus touched sick people and allowed a woman with bleeding to touch him. This was what the Pharisees and law teachers couldn't understand. In fact, no one can, unless he or she is a true child of God. Not getting this ends in man's religion.
We are exempt. We are free. We are as free as Jesus because we derive freedom from him. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Therefore, do not let yourself be burdened by slavery again. We didn't receive a spirit of slavery to fear. We received the spirit of sonship, enabling us to call God our own Father. GOD as your Father is a powerfully liberating thought that would make it impossible for you to go back to dead religion.
So if you're back in another religion after leaving your former, you're not exempt.
If you're a mere employee, you are under all the rules and regulations of the company. You get a fixed salary and benefits and bonuses. But you cannot be late. You cannot do as you please. In fact, you can get fired if you do anything stupid or break a rule. But if you're the son of the company owner, it's a different matter altogether. These things do not apply. You don't get a salary or benefits. You get an inheritance. You're practically the owner.
You may get training by pretending you're an employee in your dad's firm, learn the trade, get disciplined, abide by the rules, etc., but it's all show. You know deep inside you're the owner and all that is just temporary. Mere formality. You commit some mistakes or even break some rules, but all you get is a pat on the back from dad--maybe some light scolding--and a reminder to do better next time.
That's all! Because you're actually exempt. You're a son.
You may feel the heat for a while but you won't get fired. You're family. Disciplining, in fact, is sign you are loved as a child. You'll never lose your place in the family.
"A slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever." [Jn.8.35]As a son, you should have the natural skill to balance "fear of the Lord" and "perfect love casts out fear." True sons and daughters would know how. Their intimacy and personal experience with the Father guides them. Only sons enjoy Holy Spirit coaching aimed at being co-heirs with the SON. Bastards would abuse love and slaves would remain in fear---while those with no connection to the family, whatsoever, would just recite or quote verses on Facebook, be active in church each Sunday or probably study theology.
Only sons enjoy Holy Spirit coaching aimed at being co-heirs with the SON. Bastards would abuse love and slaves would remain in fear---while those with no connection to the family, whatsoever, would just recite or quote verses on Facebook, be active in church each Sunday or probably study theology.Don't fear committing mistakes or blunders, but fear doing what the Father hates. But even if you slipped accidentally, repent and hang on to love. Love gives you confidence to approach the throne of grace. Where sin increases, grace increases all the more. But all these apply only if you are an exempted but obedient son.
Slaves feel they need to go to church every Sunday, or else God will get angry and punish them for it. Sons stay at home. They don't need to "go" anywhere for church because where they are is church, because Jesus is in their midst. Because they live in God and God lives in them and they are God's temple, home is their church and church is their home. Their presence in Christ is church.
Slaves organize overnight prayer meetings and do long worships. They feel they need to do that to please God. They cannot miss going to church on Sunday because they'd feel guilty and weaken in faith. They need to do difficult things to please God. But sons and daughters just pray without ceasing (anywhere, anytime) and worship God in Spirit and truth, not on this or that mountain, by merely by living the LIFE daily---offering their lives holy and acceptable to God which is their spiritual worship.
Slaves need to practice hard for choir or lead in worship during church service so they exhaust their energies doing so and even lose sleep. When they're all stressed out, they feel accomplished, thinking they have pleased God. Funny, but they believe God will get angry if they sing out of tune. It's a sin to relax or do something for God with ease, not getting tired at all. So they tire themselves out to the max. They need to have their voices blending perfectly or else God won't be pleased.
But true sons and daughters just make music in their hearts to the Lord, speaking in hymns and psalms.
In fact, sons just sit there idly at the feet of Jesus doing nothing and yet please God, like Mary did, the sister of Martha. Because sons are exempt. And "doing nothing" for God is what baffles and perplexes slaves who are so used to punishing themselves to please God. Fear has to do with punishment, but perfect love casts out fear [1Jn.4.18]. Hard work through human effort was the punishment Adam got for his sin so he had to work hard for his food instead of simply sitting comfy with God, supervising creation and having food ready from Eden each meal.
In fact, sons just sit there idly at the feet of Jesus doing nothing and yet please God, like Mary did, the sister of Martha. Because sons are exempt. And "doing nothing" for God is what baffles and perplexes slaves who are so used to punishing themselves to please God. Fear has to do with punishment, but perfect love casts out fear [1Jn.4.18]. Hard work through human effort was the punishment Adam got for his sin so he had to work hard for his food instead of simply sitting comfy with God, supervising creation and having food ready from Eden each meal.
But God invites us in Christ to come all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest. But slaves in churches would have none of it. They want to sacrifice, get tired and ill and take maintenance meds.
But obedience is better than sacrifice, and sons, though exempt, are naturally obedient, without much effort. The Jesus DNA in them makes them naturally so. No punishment. They're obedient not because they have to or fear punishment. They're obedient because they are sons, it's in their Jesus DNA. True sons and daughters have the Jesus DNA. Reward or no reward, they obey the Father. Anyway, they know in the end that the Lord is their Portion. If no reward seems in sight at the moment, it's okay. The major Portion is reserved for them. Moreover, sonship itself is reward enough. God being their Father is the ultimate reward of all. Other blessings and favors that follow are mere bonuses.
Slaves feel they have to work for God. They believe they have to produce new converts when they share the Gospel so they work doubly hard and sometimes even "force" sinners to be saved and pack them up in their local churches. They won't admit it, but you see it clearly in the way they pressure themselves about it. They'd feel guilty and ashamed if their churches are small. Slaves have lots of guilt.
Sons do not work for God---they are partners with him, because they are sons. Specifically, they are co-heirs with Christ, co-heirs in his ministry as well. They're proud of Jesus and share him and the gospel with others out of love and obedience, out of the privilege of sonship. They are never pressured about results because they know results are decided solely by GOD Holy Spirit---the Holy Spirit has relieved them totally of that burden. But slaves don't know that, so they feel obligated to produce results.
But obedience is better than sacrifice, and sons, though exempt, are naturally obedient, without much effort. The Jesus DNA in them makes them naturally so. No punishment. They're obedient not because they have to or fear punishment. They're obedient because they are sons, it's in their Jesus DNA. True sons and daughters have the Jesus DNA. Reward or no reward, they obey the Father. Anyway, they know in the end that the Lord is their Portion. If no reward seems in sight at the moment, it's okay. The major Portion is reserved for them. Moreover, sonship itself is reward enough. God being their Father is the ultimate reward of all. Other blessings and favors that follow are mere bonuses.
Slaves feel they have to work for God. They believe they have to produce new converts when they share the Gospel so they work doubly hard and sometimes even "force" sinners to be saved and pack them up in their local churches. They won't admit it, but you see it clearly in the way they pressure themselves about it. They'd feel guilty and ashamed if their churches are small. Slaves have lots of guilt.
Sons do not work for God---they are partners with him, because they are sons. Specifically, they are co-heirs with Christ, co-heirs in his ministry as well. They're proud of Jesus and share him and the gospel with others out of love and obedience, out of the privilege of sonship. They are never pressured about results because they know results are decided solely by GOD Holy Spirit---the Holy Spirit has relieved them totally of that burden. But slaves don't know that, so they feel obligated to produce results.
If you are pressured by ministry results and accomplishment, you're not yet relieved by the Holy Spirit. You're taking HIS job away from him and making it yours.
Jesus no longer calls us servants but friends, because a servant doesn't know his master's business. Jesus has made known to us "everything" that he learned from the Father [Jn.15.51]. You see that? Everything! EVERYTHING! If friends are trusted with that, so much more sons! We know everything through Christ in us. Jesus, the SON literally dwells in us!
Slaves are duty-bound. They're ever haunted by obligations and the accompanying pressures. But sons are exempt. Aside from being naturally obedient, they know there are plenty of other sons like them around sharing the work with them. It's a joint venture among sons, not a solo undertaking by any one church denomination individually. Slaves feel the burden alone. They do not understand body-of-Christ dynamics.
Just share the gospel. Results or no results, you're not worried. You never feel guilty. You have great concern for lost souls so you share the gospel and pray for them, but you leave it all to the Holy Spirit. You know how the Kingdom operates. You know God's will. You know your Father's business.
You are exempt. Just enjoy your sonship.
Jesus no longer calls us servants but friends, because a servant doesn't know his master's business. Jesus has made known to us "everything" that he learned from the Father [Jn.15.51]. You see that? Everything! EVERYTHING! If friends are trusted with that, so much more sons! We know everything through Christ in us. Jesus, the SON literally dwells in us!
Slaves are duty-bound. They're ever haunted by obligations and the accompanying pressures. But sons are exempt. Aside from being naturally obedient, they know there are plenty of other sons like them around sharing the work with them. It's a joint venture among sons, not a solo undertaking by any one church denomination individually. Slaves feel the burden alone. They do not understand body-of-Christ dynamics.
Just share the gospel. Results or no results, you're not worried. You never feel guilty. You have great concern for lost souls so you share the gospel and pray for them, but you leave it all to the Holy Spirit. You know how the Kingdom operates. You know God's will. You know your Father's business.
You are exempt. Just enjoy your sonship.
My e-books, "God's Flesh" and "When God's Promises Don't Seem to Work for You" can help you catch the frequencies of the Spirit's realm and be acculturated to God's Kingdom and supernatural dimensions.
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