The Poor are Jesus and Key to Your Blessing
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Susan Polgar Global Chess Daily News and Information |
Well, I've seen a lot of hard working people who remained poor. Financial prosperity doesn't depend on your hard work but on God's will. I know many will not agree with this, but this is the truth. Laziness doesn't have anything to do with poverty. Jesus lived as a poor carpenter but he was far from being lazy. And I know a lot of lazy people who are rich.
It is God who decides who will be rich, who will be middle income, and who will be poor. It's all by his grace and mercy, not on our hard works or determination. It's good to be hard working and determined, but it does not guarantee anything. God decides all results of our endeavors. You can be very pleasing in his eyes and yet remain marginal. You can be so odious in his eyes and yet be rich or successful. Remember how successful Hitler was?
The LORD makes some poor and others rich; he brings some down and lifts others up. [1 Sam.2.7]
But why are there poor people? Why does God allow poverty to some people? Because the poor is key to real blessings. If there were no poor people in the world, real blessings will stop. All we'll have are general blessings God gives to both the good and evil. No wonder Jesus said, "the poor you will always have with you." God makes some people poor so the rest of us can have a chance to be really blessed. So, there will always be poor people---so you can get blessed.
If you have someone who's poor in your church or in your family, how do you see them? Do we avoid them or look down on them? Do we see them as liabilities? Do we see them as black sheep or bad luck? Do we see them as people who are lazy or too dumb to find some means to earn more money? People think like that. Just because they make more money than you do, they think they're smarter and you should learn from them. They never realize it's all by God's grace, not their ability or smartness.
I've seen people who didn't want poor people to be members of their churches. "They'll always ask for our help or money!" they complained. "And what could they give to the church?" they further asked. But James said God chose those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and inherit the Kingdom. What does this mean? Does this mean all squatters are chosen by God? So, you have to become so poor to be chosen?
First, James was likely referring to the poor brethren, not all the poor in the world. Study the context and you'd get hints that he was talking about a church setting where people "come into your meeting." And part of the passage is also about seeing "a brother or sister without clothes or daily food." Moreover, he did mention about the poor who are "rich in faith." These are the ones God has chosen---poor who are rich in faith. Not all the poor in the world.
There will always be poor people around and it isn't their fault that they are poor. It's God's design---so we can have an opportunity to be blessed through them. So, if there is someone poor in your family or a poor relative or church member, thank God for them. God watches what you'd do to them. The test is about what you will do to the poor around you and how you are going to treat them. God will watch your heart.
So, change your mind about poor people. They're not there because they're lazy or dumb or a useless burden. They're there because God uses them to test your heart. And if God finds your heart right, he'd bless you. Because the idea is, whatever you do to poor people, you do to Jesus.
Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. [Matthew 25.40]
And the promise of reward is:
And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward [Matthew 10.42].
The right attitude towards the poor is to see Jesus in them. That's why I say the poor are Jesus. Instead of looking down on them like they're accursed or bad luck or trash, bless them. Bless them mightily (not just with prayers but with material blessings) not because you will be rewarded but because you see Jesus in them.
And don't wait for rewards after you do a good deed. Let God decide that. He may give you a material reward (which common people recognize) or he may choose something more valuable and give you a spiritual reward, a treasure you can keep in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy (which only spiritual people recognize).
You see now? The poor are your key to real blessings. Don't get stuck with general blessings you get from your hard work or efforts. God also gives these blessings to hard-working crooks and criminals. Go after real blessings (or favors) which result from valuables you give away to poor people, those who can't repay you.
Remember, God watches your heart and notes how you see and treat poor and helpless people. Sad, but I know Christians who despise their poor brethren, treat them as trash and blame or mock or hate them for their poverty. Yes, they help them and give them some money, but that's in exchange for the scolding, bad treatment, and belittling. You'd see how they disdain them just because they don't have money. But the rich they treat so highly and respectfully.
I wonder how they'd treat Jesus if he went into their churches today as a poor janitor or street vendor? Would they gladly welcome him and bless him with money or would they assign him a seat at the back and see to it they don't get too close with him lest he starts feeling too comfy with them and ask them for money?
Present MOVE: Seeing the UNSEEN in real time.
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