What They Don't Teach You about Prayer 2
Image from DepositPhotos. Here's Part 1 And have you ever noticed how Jesus is seldom seen praying in the Gospel? Checkout Matthew. In chapter 5, when he saw the crowds approaching, he told the disciples to sit on the grass because he was about to teach them. And what did he do first? He said "Blessed are the poor in spirit" right away. He didn't pray first! Don't we always first pray before we do anything in ministry? We do. We love opening and closing in prayer. But Jesus never did. He just went on doing things. With a big crowd aching to listen to your sermon, I bet you'd pray first before you preach. Acknowledge the Lord in all your ways and he will lead you by the right path, says Proverbs 3.6. The NLT has it more powerfully: Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. So why didn't Jesus do it? Then right after that, we see Jesus in the 8th chapter healing a man with leprosy. Now, imagine yourself in front of a leprous m...