
Showing posts from August, 2021

Like GOD

Be like God (imitate Him) because you are His loved children. [Ephesians 5] We feel more comfortable with Christ-likeness than seriously being like God. Being like God sounds like what Lucifer had in mind in Isaiah 14--occupying God's throne. But genuine Christ-likeness is really being like God in the most serious manner. Drink this slowly deep in your spirit--be  like God . Drink it. Swallow it. Digest it to become part of you. You cannot remain thinking or living like a mere human being and still be like God. Of course, you are NOT God, but definitely you're neither just human now that you have become God's child through Christ. Photo by Courtney Cook on Unsplash . God's Children Lucifer was different. He wanted to be "like God" in his own strength and effort. He wanted to surpass God. "I will raise my throne above the stars of God." It was plain rebelliousness. And anyway, being like God is exclusively for humans with Jesus living in them, not f...

Extreme Faith

It's impossible to please God without faith. And the immediate context of the faith referred to in Hebrews 11 is Enoch's faith. Abel's faith is also mentioned, how by simple faith he brought a better sacrifice than did his brother Cain. But Enoch's was simpler--he simply walked with God. That was his "offering." And God was pleased to have Enoch as walking companion. After talking of Enoch, mention of the other patriarchs followed. Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash . Faith and walking--very simple things. Yet God was so pleased that he snatched Enoch up to heaven so that Enoch skipped death as an exit point from here to the hereafter. No more death just because Enoch walked with God. That's all Enoch did. Church today do a lot of complicated things and nice programs and yet fails to please God. Churches spend millions. But Enoch simply walked with God for 300 years. This should wake us up to deeper Kingdom reality. Where does extreme faith begin? Click he...

GOD's Next: Complete Restoration

A lot of things in the bible have been lost from the church today. Church has drifted far from how Jesus and the apostles did ministry. Sometimes, church has even declared them obsolete in these modern times. Actually, anything in Scriptures that their human logic or theology cannot understand--or anything found in the bible they cannot do--they have declared outmoded. Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash . Through years of excluding the supernatural ways of Jesus, lots of truths in the bible have become strange and even cultic to us today. Instead, things of this world have become church SOP or church standard operating procedure. It's alarming when the church becomes comfortable with the ways of the world but suspicious of the strange ways of the Holy Spirit. But the good news is, God's next move is to restore everything. Jesus must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets. [Acts 3.21] Comfy with the...

Why Looks Matter

Literally worlds apart. Church today is so different from what Jesus, the apostles or the Acts church looked like and it doesn't seem to notice or understand the implications. If you don't look like Jesus then you look like the world. There's nothing in-between. No neutral ground here. Worse, you may even look like the devil, especially how he can appear as an angel of light--looking so nice and blessed. Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash . The devil will never appear as his scary true self. He will always wear a "spiritual" disguise. Like topnotch churchmanship. In fact, a very spiritual appearance with matching acoustics (the low, modulated and formal voice), hair style and apparels. The dignified opening prayers and worship drama. Everything formal.  It's just curious how God chose folks who were rejects and were kicked out of "church circles." The despised and the weak. The least in the eyes of men. This is God's next move in these ...

GOD's Next Move

Born-again believers criticize idols, images or statues in Catholic churches, not realizing there are some among them guilty of idolatry, too. They worship their church buildings and denominations, for instance, which have become idols in their hearts. Others worship seminaries or human theology, substituting the Holy Spirit with these things, unable to understand or interpret Scriptures unless aided by them. They desperately earn titles and degrees, licenses to prove themselves legit handlers of God's Word.  Picture above by Dan Meyers, Unsplash.. But Jesus clearly said all you need is the supernatural mentorship of the Holy Spirit and Jesus' discipleship which is also guided by the Holy Spirit. Period. Nothing more, nothing less. Jesus did not endorse putting up bible schools or seminaries or getting titles and degrees. Or interpreting Scriptures in man's systematic ways or his theologies. Neither did the apostles. But what's sure and powerful is that: "The Holy ...

A Better Sacrifice

  "By faith Abel presented God a better sacrifice,"  (Heb.11). You know God's next in these last days? A better sacrifice. If you knew a better way of worshipping God, would you do it? We often spend, time, money and effort tiring ourselves out to give God a better worship. Some do it long, some non-stop. Yes, they look attractively spiritual, but why do we them? Are they really weighty in the spiritual realms? Why do we think it's through them that we can touch God's heart? Because we fail to see what's a better sacrifice in God's eyes. Photo above by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash . B etter (and radical) sacrifice pleasing to God. C lick here. You can worship much better without "worshiping." I mean, going through the rigours of what we call worship today. Seriously, you should always settle for nothing less than the best worship. The highest worship. But what we think is highest doesn't bear much in the spirit realms. The best worship is far ...